CuPRICA, with its registered trademark SULCOSA, is a well-known and renowned Peruvian company that since 1964, has managed to develop its own technology to produce copper salts; having copper sulfate as its main product.

Nowadays, CuPRICA has an industrial processing plant located in Callao, which produces around 20,000 tons per year, positioning SULCOSA as one of the most important brands in the local and foreign markets.

60 years of professional experience have allowed SULCOSA to reach the highest international standards of quality and purity, thus creating alliances with the most important distributors and making our brand present in all continents.



In order to make our production more efficient and effective, the staff and senior management of CuPRICA are committed to providing the best quality products for our customers by meeting the highest standards in the market.


CuPRICA has a modern and multifunctional processing plant located in Ventanilla-Callao, where it reaches an annual production of 20,000 tons of copper-based products, allowing us to serve the domestic and international markets throughout the entire year.